aspiration writer center

#share your idea for better life by give your comment

#manga is awesome >thank for visit<

Friday 16 August 2013

what do i do??

friday,16 august 2013   what do i do?/ how do i do??

are you MANGAKA ?please visit this blog
 - this time i was thinking about life, what for my life is? , why do i live?
>i love my live and my next life so i depend it on Allah swt
> who have give me life and pledge to us to give his paradise with eternal life
  ($) Read this sentence serially from the smaller :

              1 "Tranquility can be found when we are with God."     

             2"We will never know the real answer, before you try."

 3"God's plan is always more beautiful than our desire." 

-today is boing day for me, nothing to do , no one need to have a chit chat with me.
  >but stay cool and do a good thing are my own principle 
  >who care about their life i still have some business in my own life
>no wonder about her, just take it easy, you will get your own girl later. wait the time 
Do you have amazing idea to make a great life ?? please share by commenting my blog

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